Amolatinadate – 3 Things Men Love About Older Women


In 1971, a marketing campaign for AmolatinaDate Loving Care’s “Nice & Easy” hair color aired with words for women worth millions of dollars in product sales: “You’re not getting older, you’re getting better.”

The campaign was so successful and memorable not because it told older women what they wanted to hear, but because it struck a chord that had been ignored for far too long.

Until then, women’s liberation had been the exclusive territory of Young And Future Women. But seven simple words reminded women of all ages that they were still vital and valuable human beings with much to offer.

Millions of women found a new vigor and zest for life simply by coloring their gray hair a more youthful shade and forgoing granny fashions for those that exuded more power and courage.

Today, women routinely remain involved in significant careers and roles until retirement and well beyond. And older men couldn’t be more delighted with the group of women in their peer group.

When it comes to older women, what’s not to like?

3 Things Men Love About Older Women – Details

1. Maturity has its Adantages

Men are all too familiar with the feeling that they are less valued just when they reach the height of their knowledge and ability.

When they should be running the company, they are relegated to subordinate roles under some clueless young rookie with a newly minted MBA or moved to a smaller location or retired. It doesn’t make sense, but it’s the reality in the place of business all too often.

Women are often written off in their careers for AmolatinaDate the same reason, but their social value also depends much more on youth and beauty than on a man.

While that may be true for TV advertisers and casting agents, it’s not entirely true for men their own age. They fully understand and appreciate traits that can only be found in a Real Experienced Woman.

«The common thing of an older woman offers is so much sexier than a supermodel.”

3 Things Men Love About Older Women2.HISTORY AND SHARED VALUES. – Amolatinadate

An older woman’s eyes have the same tenderness, warmth and allure as a younger woman’s, but a man can also see much more below the surface. The lights are on and there is also someone at home.

It is very comforting for a mature man to find a woman who is done with the silly games, mood swings, and superficiality that are a part of youth for all men and women.

Older men have figured out what is really important to a smooth and rewarding life, just like older women. Older men and women share a more compatible worldview and their cultural histories have common threads.

They grew up enjoying the same music, AmolatinaDate experiencing. The same political events and learning to achieve the same goals following the same values.

They can talk about topics they enjoy and understand and challenge each other intellectually. Which is very important for a man.

Soulmates have to be likeable on so many levels, and this gives older women a huge advantage over older men.


The stability and depth of human understanding is also transferred to the sexual realm. Most men, by the time they’ve raised a family and survived. The trials and tribulations of a relationship and a life. Have adopted the kind of mindset women learn in their 30s: love and sex can’t really be separated. .

Multiple partners and “weird sex” that once seemed so intriguing have lost their appeal to most older men. The ability to connect sexually with a woman. Who loves and understands you is the highest and most satisfying thing a man can achieve.

And, of course, there are no games or qualms about it. An older woman knows when she is ready to commit sexually to a man and she will give herself completely. AmolatinaDate  The sexual act is also a real commitment for a man. At this point, and it’s not a bond to be take lightly.

The trust, loyalty, commitment, common ground, and true partnership Amolatina Success Stories that an older woman offers a man is so much sexier than a supermodel in a skimpy bikini.

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